Club Grounds (Spectator Benches): Accessible via ramp.
Club House: Accessible via ramp or steps.
Green: Steps can be utilised to reduce the step down onto the green / rinks.
Club House
Changing Facilities: Ladies and gents changing rooms are available. Both include lockers, coat hooks & storage shelf.
Lockers: Are available in the changing facilities (ladies and gents). Lockers are limited and have a small annual rental fee of £5.
- Locker numbers will be assigned to members.
- Members must supply their own padlock.
- All lockers must be emptied at the end of each season.
- Point of Contact – Keith G.
Toilets: 2 toilets are available for use; one is accessibility friendly.
Club Kit: The following club kit is available:
- Jacks
- Mats
- Rink Markers
- Pushers / Gatherers
- Score Boards
- Umpires Kit
- Scorecards
- Swishers
Club Green / Lawn Equipment:
All lawn / green equipment is to be used buy authorized members only. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Mowers & Rollers
- Aeration Equipment
Personal Kit: Required
- Bowls (E.g. Drakes Pride, Taylor, Henselite, Aero.)
- If you don’t have bowls straight away, a friendly club member may be able to help you out for a short period of time to help you determine the right size, grip etc for you.
- Bowls Bag, Carrier or Trolley
- Measure
- Chalk – stick or spray.
Personal Kit: Optional / Personal Preference
- Picker-Upper / Bowl and Jack Lifter
- Grippo (or alternative polish / bowls grip)
- Scorecard Holder
- Microfibre Buffing Cloth / Polishing Sleeve
- Or you can put Gary F to work for £8 per bowl (black bowls only).
- Walking Stick Green Protector
- Lucky Bowls Coin
- Just look at that piggy tail .. how can you say no to that!
- Just look at that piggy tail .. how can you say no to that!